As a middle school musician, you will need to plan for approximately 30 minutes of practice every day.  Daily practice is imperative to the continued improvement of our groups and of your personal playing level.  The best students in any subject or sport are those students who work diligently, every day.  Music is no different.

We will discuss and learn proper and effective methods of practicing.  Regular and structured application of these techniques will not only make you a better musician/performer, but will make your music experience more fun.  Students and parents can take steps towards enhancing the effectiveness of the practice routine.  Some highlights of these steps include:

Click here for a great article about how to practice. - Practice for Success

  • Schedule a regular practice time or set of times each day.

  • A practice area should be a quiet location, free from distractions.

  • Students will need a legitimate music stand and a firm chair to ensure proper playing position and posture.

  • A quality instrument, in excellent working condition.  The higher the quality of the instrument and mouthpiece, the higher the quality of sound, and the easier it is for the student to play.

  • Help motivate your student towards practicing.  Remind them that practicing must be done, even when they do not want to...  Just like brushing their teeth and taking out the trash:0)

  • The hardest part of practicing is many times just opening the case.  Encourage them to stick with it!  Many times just starting the practice session will get them into the routine.

  • It is important also to remember that quantity of practice time is not nearly as important as quality.  10 minutes of quality practice is much better than sitting in front of the music stand for 30 minutes.

  • Divide your practice time into smaller blocks.  Do your warm-ups before school (10 minutes).  Do your technique practice after school (10 minutes).  Work on your music after dinner (10 minutes).  Find a system that works for you!

  • Praise work well done!  A "way to go!" can be made during the session or afterwards to help affirm the effort.

  • Avoid non-constructive criticism!  Practicing, by its very nature, is repeatedly playing something that you may not do well yet.  Many students will feel uncomfortable playing "poorly" in front of others, especially if they are musicians as well.  This is necessary for improvement.

  • Plan activities ahead!  Remember that a student's participation in rehearsals and performances is not only required, but a necessary part of the success of the ensemble.  An ensemble is a team, and as such, each individual's contribution towards the success of the whole ensemble is vital, necessary and important.

  • Never use practicing as a punishment!

  • Always begin with a brief warm-up.  This is when we learn how to make great sounds and reinforce the techniques required to perform everything else.

  • Don’t waste time practicing sections that you already know.

  • Isolate trouble sections and work on them. (Slowly at first, then gaining speed)

  • Never practice a section faster than you can perform it.  There is no such thing as, “I can only play it fast!”

  • Use a metronome!  This is one of the best musical tools, as well as one of the least expensive.

  • Use a drone!  This is one of the best musical tools, as well as one of the least expensive.

  • Always stress accuracy, intonation, rhythm, and pitch. 

Students are strongly encouraged to ask for individual assistance in learning their music, or if they are struggling with any aspect of the curriculum.  Students can seek help in the following ways.

  1. enlisting the help of a more experienced musician

  2. studying with a private instructor

  3. scheduling an individual help session with your director.

Extended homeroom will be the first morning of every week from 8:20AM - 9:04AM.  This time is set aside for make-up sectionals, extra help, chamber ensembles, private lessons, etc.  See your director for more information.

Extended homeroom = More time for music