
A performing ensemble is a collective endeavor; therefore we need everyone to be present at all sectionals, rehearsals and performances. Unlike other classes in which one’s presence affects only him/herself, attendance profoundly affects the entire musical group. For this reason, attendance at all performances is mandatory. Students involved in a performing ensemble recognize that they are making a primary commitment for the entire school year.

*HCPSS Policy 8090: Non-School Hour Participation Requirements for Elementary and Secondary Curricular Programs states that rehearsals and performances scheduled before/during/after-shool/evening are required of the student participant and may be graded by the instructor.

The HCPSS recognizes the following as excused absences:

  1. Serious Illness

  2. Death in the Family

  3. Required Court Appearance

  4. School Visitation

  5. Religious Observance

All other absences will be considered unexcused.


The small group sectional is a vital component of the performing ensembles at Ellicott Mills Middle School. The sectional provides an opportunity for the directors to assess individual student performance levels, deliver instrument-specific content knowledge, complete performance evaluations, and track individual improvement in a smaller setting.

The staff at EMMS is incredibly supportive of our student musicians and works closely with the music staff to ensure that our students are successful in all areas. In an effort to provide support to students and deliver consistent instruction and assessment in academic and performance areas, the following guidelines have been established:

  • Sectionals are scheduled on a pull-out rotation. This schedule rotates so that students are not pulled from the same class more than twice per quarter.

  • Students are expected to attend sectionals as scheduled. This is an excused absence from class.

  • Sectionals will begin sometime during the 2nd week of school and continue into June.

  • Students should report to their regularly scheduled class first to submit homework/assignments and collect any materials/notes from that days lesson. Students then report to the rehearsal room for their sectional. The EMMS staff is very supportive in helping student make up required work.

  • Students will be instructed to stay in class when there is a scheduled test or lab. Students are then required to make up any work that was missed during their sectional.

  • A sectional schedule is distributed quarterly, highlighting each group and class period. A detailed sectional schedule will be available on our website once we get the schedule organized.

  • Sectionals are an assessed component of the EMMS Music Program.

Please help us support your students interests by making sure that:

  • your student knows when to attend sectionals

  • your student has made up any missed work or assignments

  • your student maintains high performance standards in every class

Working together we can make sure that we can maintain strong student achievement in academics, related arts, and performance classes.


  • Be prepared for each class, having practiced your music at home. Class should be review and application of what has been worked on at home - not a substitute for practicing.

  • Do not talk while the conductor is on the podium.

  • Be on time for every rehearsal/performance.

  • Respect your classmates and their belongings.

  • Do not touch any equipment other than your own.

  • Act in a safe and respectful manner.

  • No food, drinks, or gum in the rehearsal rooms or performance spaces.

  • No device use.

  • Perform your best.


Ensembles are performance-based classes. Students will be required to perform in concerts throughout the year. Attendance at our concerts is mandatory. At EMMS, we usually have three concert rotations (fall, winter, spring) in addition to our assessments/adjudications in March.

  • Concerts will typically have a call time of 30-60 minutes before the first group performs. Please arrive at concerts on time.

  • Please plan to stay for the entire concert, even if your student is done performing. We want to teach our students to be courteous and respectful and this includes supporting our fellow musicians by being a great audience.

  • Dismissal after a concert may take some time as we must clean the performance area and reset. We will dismiss the students as an ensemble once everything is in order. Please do not ask for special arrangements or put your student in the middle by asking them to ask us for special permission.

  • Please remain seated, and exit only between groups or during the applause between selections.

  • Please do not talk or text during a performance.

  • Please make sure that all cell phones are turned off.

  • We would appreciate if you are available to help the directors clean up the stage at the end of the performance.

Please support our student musicians by attending concerts, bringing friends and relatives, and encouraging your children to prepare for all of their musical endeavors.